Projects & Programs

The Arc Otsego / Projects & Programs

Projects & Programs

The Arc Otsego has many projects & programs that provides opportunities for individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities to help them live personally fulfilling lives. Whether it’s helping them express their creativity through art, supporting them with pre-vocational services to help them succeed in community employment, or helping to reduce the amount of garbage in the waste stream, The Arc Otsego has options to help you succeed!

Creekside Industries is the outsourcing company you’ve been looking for! Whether you have sample sets or special projects that require assembly, bulk products that need to be broken down, collated or packaged, product shrink wrapped, or your company requires recycling of clean, pre-consumer industrial materials, Creekside Industries is your one-stop outsourcing solution! Click here to learn more

Main View Gallery & Studio is a place where we celebrate the creative power of individuals with intellectual and other developmental disabilities by creating opportunities for self expression through the visual, performing, media and literary arts. All creative learning opportunities and supports are tailored to the needs, desires and talents of each artists. For more information and to learn about volunteer opportunities, click here

The Otsego ReUse Center focuses on the reuse of building materials as an increasingly user-friendly process and a standard component of a construction job. We provide affordable, gently used materials to the general public while keeping materials out of the waste stream. For more information what we accept for donations click here.

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