If you have students with disabilities who are excited about making the transition from school to work, we can help! The Arc Otsego’s Transition Services Program is a comprehensive, customized service designed to guide and support students as they begin the journey from school to employment and independence.
The Arc Otsego contracts with schools to provide customized services to guide and support individual student through the transition from school to employment and independence. Using skill and interest assessments, job shadowing and career exploration, a Transition Specialist assists the student to begin the process of self exploration to identify preferences, interests, strengths, goals, barriers to employment and strategies to overcome those barriers. Services can begin as early as age 14 and continue until the student reaches 21.
Students benefit from the individualized one-on-one services with a direct link to an established vocational service provider. Plus, since services can begin at age 14 and continue until age 21, delay in services after graduation is minimized.
Schools benefit from the additional resource to help meet the CDOS standards including agency participation in IEP meetings.
For more information about Transition Services at The Arc Otsego, contact Erin Seeley, Director of Employment Services, at seeleye@arcotsego.org or 607-433-8447, ext. 3110.